Sunday, September 11, 2011

Conviction and Jesus...2 sweetest things!

Have you ever had one of those times when you have felt like you have been hit by a 2 by 4 right between the eyes??  I sure did.  Yesterday happend to be my day to be beat Jesus and His love for me!  It all started about 2 weeks ago when I had the opportunity to go see a Beth Moore simulcast for this past weekend. I wanted to go really bad, but another opportunity came up to go see a friend in another state, so I made plans at the beginning of the week to take the road trip and spend some time with my friend.  About Tuesday of this week I started feeling really rough and found out that I had a severe ear infection.  I can honestly say that God gave me that ear infection.  Needless to say, I did not take the road trip and ended up going to see Beth Moore with some of my family.  It was one of those days when Jesus totally shook me up and poured everything out, I mean everything!  Conviction hit me pretty hard, but as the walls were falling down, it felt like Jesus was there touching me, healing parts of me  I know that sounds completely weird, but it is so honestly true!  What got me the most out of the whole day was when she said that a single me is not overlooked in the bigger we.  It floored me, because for the past few weeks, I have felt like I have been totally overlooked and not seen by God.  I will just be honest with you.  I have been feeling forgotten by God.         This is definitely one of those times when there was absolutely NO doubt that God is totally alive and active on people's lives!  I know He was alive and well yesterday and that He has always been the same.  It has been me changing, me running away, me setting walls between Him and other people.  I have had the greatest example of a true father, a father's love, and what it is like to be a daughter the past 2 1/2 years, but for once in my life, not only have I seen what a father is, I actually literally felt what a true father's love is like.  Yesterday my eyes were opened, really opened to the knowing, I mean really knowing, that there is a father who chases me down and unconditionally loves me for who I am.  I have been searching for years for something I never knew I had right in front of me.  I can honestly say and really know that I have a father that loves me completely unconditionally!  I am a blessed child of God!!!